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Root Password For Mac Os X

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Jan 08, 2018 Now we need change password in the settings mysql table. Run next command in the MySQL console to change the root password. Update user set authenticationstring=password('YOURNEWPASSWORDSHOULDBEHERE') where user='root'; Before run the command you need replace YOURNEWPASSWORDSHOULDBEHERE with your new root password. By default ROOT is not activated. You must go to your utilities folder and go to net info manager and activate the ROOT account. Once in net info manager go to: 1. Enable Root User 5. Follow prompts Good luck, though playing with root is risky and make sure you are 100% sure this is required.

5 2 likes 46,205 views Last modified Mar 16, 2013 2:27 PM

Hello and welcome to my User Tip.

This is how you go about resetting your password in case you or another has forgotten it.

If you have the 10.6 install disk hold c or option/alt key and boot off the 10.6 disk and use the Password Reset under the Utilities menu, you will need a wired or built in keyboard.

Then reset the keychain:

If you dont' have the 10.6 install disk, then hold command s and boot the machine into Single User Mode (aka root).

type and press return after each bold command

Enter the new password twice followed by returns then

exit (to continue booting OS X)


reboot (to reboot the machine)


shutdown (to shutdown the machine)

Then reset the keychain:



If you see a lock appear and it asks for a password there, that's a firmware password.

You will to enter the password or need the OS X install disk compatible with that machine and hold the option key while booting to select it, then reset the firmware password.

You will need to know the password, that's the purpose of the firmware password to totally lock the machine down.

If you have such machine and it's not yours or was purchased used, you need to contact the owner or Apple to unlock it for you.

Firmware passwords lock the machine so it can't be easily repaired using techniques available to you and others.

What's My Sudo Password? | MacRumors Forums

For most users and their personal needs I advise against setting one, having only a few things needed encrypted on a external USB thumb drive or hard drive without locking the whole machine from repair is something the best choice for most consumers.

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